قام مركز #سلاف بمشروع مجتمعي خدمي (تأهيل وإنارة دوار الطلائع)
يهدف المشروع إلى تعزيز التماسك الاجتماعي بين أفراد المجتمع والمضيفين والنازحين داخليًا، من خلال خلق مساحة مؤهلة تسمح لهم بالالتقاء والحوار وبناء العلاقات مما يعزز التفاعلات الإيجابية بين كِلا المجموعتين، وكذلك خلق مساحة لأفراد المجتمع للتجمع بأمان وتوفير مكان آمن لأفراد المجتمع وأطفالهم للذهاب إليه.
SILAV Center has implemented a community service project (rehabilitating and lighting of Al-Tala’a Roundabout)
The project aims to enhance the social cohesion between community members, hosts and IDPs, by creating a qualified space that allows them to meet, dialogue and build relationships, which enhances positive interactions between both groups, as well as creating a space for community members to gather safely and provide a safe place for community members and their children to go to.
The project aims to enhance the social cohesion between community members, hosts and IDPs, by creating a qualified space that allows them to meet, dialogue and build relationships, which enhances positive interactions between both groups, as well as creating a space for community members to gather safely and provide a safe place for community members and their children to go to.